We’re so happy that we can barely express it, and we want to thank everyone who has sent us congratulations and gestures of affection.
We always say that this is a marathon. And it really is—it’s been over 33 years since I graduated from the Theatre Institute. Next year will mark 25 years since I became a clown, ever since our first show, De Pe a Pa. That’s where it all began.
This is a team effort, with each person playing an essential role so that those of us on stage can shine as brightly as needed. It’s impossible to name all the people who have contributed in one way or another throughout this journey. Many of them, beyond being true professionals, have also become dear friends over the years. This recognition belongs to them too.
We are especially mindful of Joan Busquets, who believed in me from the very beginning without questioning where we wanted to go. His generosity through countless hours of work was the best gift we could have asked for.
Awards help, especially during tougher times; they give you the energy that sometimes falters when everything becomes a struggle. But the best award we can have is the gigs and the applause from the audience. These are the essentials that give this craft its meaning—an uncertain, challenging, yet precious and generous craft that we love like no other.
So, we will keep touring our shows with the same passion, to all the theaters (big, small, beautiful, ugly, new, old…) that will invite us. Today, we’re happily enjoying this moment of glory, knowing it’s fleeting. Glory is like that; so is hardship.
We know where we stand in this marathon, on the middle path, always looking ahead, savoring every leg of the journey and each crossroad. We’ve never looked for shortcuts or easy paths. We’ve always tried to follow our impulses from the most honest place.
See you at the theaters!
Health, circus, and clowns!