Pepa Plana has received the “Creu de Sant Jordi” from the “Generalitat de Catalunya”




Pepa Plana has received the “Creu de Sant Jordi” from the “Generalitat de Catalunya”.

The award ceremony took place at the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya on Monday, December 23, 2024.

The “Creu de Sant Jordi” is one of the most prestigious distinctions granted each year by the government of Catalonia to 20 individuals and 10 entities in the country since 1981.

From here, we would like to express our gratitude for receiving this distinction. It not only makes us feel honoured but also deeply touches our hearts, as it acknowledges our passion and dedication to the craft of clowning.

This craft is a gift, an art that allows us to explore human emotions. Through theater, we have been able to share dreams and laughter with audiences who have been accomplices to this magic.

This recognition is also for all those who believe in the power of theater to bring about change.

Of course, we are thrilled to receive this and all the recognitions we have been fortunate to receive throughout my career. However, the best recognition of all is performing for the audience and receiving their appreciation. For this to happen, it is necessary for theater to be regularly programmed everywhere, and for institutions to once again invest in culture with a broad vision that goes beyond purely commercial aspects.

We will continue working to make my craft a space for reflection, enjoyment, and advocacy. We will continue creating, dreaming, and, above all, sharing this passion that unites us.

With all our love for theatre, circus, and life, thank you very much!

Posted by Pepa Plana in : News,